During this time, many people are experiencing stress. Take a moment to breathe and turn your energy into sharing kindness and gratitude. It’s well known that crisis situations can bring out the worst or the best in us. Think about these past few weeks. How has your family come together? How have you helped one another? Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could express gratitude to our child(ren), loved ones, and extended family and friends? Take a moment to write a proud note to your child(ren) thanking them for something positive they have done, or to your spouse/family member expressing appreciation for an act of kindness.1
Keep in mind that being grateful and thankful are both positive feelings that are experienced during or after an event. Reflect on times when you have had positive feelings with your family, child(ren), or loved ones. How did you express the warm feelings you experienced?
In addition to ways that you have shown gratitude and appreciation, here are some other suggestions:
- Start the day by saying good morning to your family
- Make breakfast together as a family
- Smile more
- Create a “no complaining day”
- Compliment a family member that has been helpful
- Be a good listener
- Write an appreciation message on a piece of paper for each family member
- Find a special TV show to watch together
- Reach out and call a friend to see how they are doing
- Call a family member not living with you
- Send a positive email to a friend
- Email or text a note of appreciation to a friend or family member
- Write a sticky note and put it someplace random to make someone smile
- Draw a creative smiley face and leave it for a family member
- Call or email a few people you are close to and let them know how they have impacted you
- Say good night to each member of your family
Studies have shown that expressing gratitude leads to other positive emotions, such as enthusiasm, inspiration, optimism, selflessness, and increased self-esteem. Gratitude goes hand in hand with happiness.
The best way to build emotional resiliency is to maintain a positive outlook in life and express gratitude. During this challenging time, gratitude and kindness help to decrease anxiety. This is an opportunity for positive bonding and teaching our child(ren) resiliency skills.
1Transcribed from Cedars-Sinai Share & Care